Gwinganna Lifestyle Retreat & Spa Pty. Limited

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Gwinganna Lifestyle Retreat & Spa Pty. Limited: address, phone, fax, email, site

Address: NSW 2229

Phone: +61-02-6439-9354

Fax: +61-02-6439-9354

E-mail: n\a


Owner / Director / Manager Gwinganna Lifestyle Retreat & Spa Pty. Limited: n\a

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Registration data Gwinganna Lifestyle Retreat & Spa Pty. Limited

Australian Company Number: 102346181

Status: Registered

Registration date: 27th September 2002

Type: Australian proprietary company

Australian Business Number: 30102346181

Class: Limited by Share

Subclass: Proprietary other

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Gwinganna Lifestyle Retreat & Spa Pty Limited is a limited by shares Australian proprietary company. Located at NSW 2229 since 2002-09-27 the company is, as the updated on 2002-11-15 ABN database shows, registered. Known company numbers for Gwinganna Lifestyle Retreat & Spa Pty Limited are as follows: ACN - 102346181, Australian Business Number - 30102346181. Their official company name changed on 2002-09-27 to Gwinganna Lifestyle Retreat And Spa Pty Ltd. The company had used this name up until 2002-11-15. We found 0 trademarks that reference this company.