Posh Pots Pialligo Pty Ltd

All Australian companiesAgriculture, forestry and fishingPosh Pots Pialligo Pty Ltd

Raising of other cattle and buffaloes / Growing of rice / Raising of camels and camelids

Posh Pots Pialligo Pty Ltd: address, phone, fax, email, site

Address: ACT 2609

Phone: +61-02-7374-6075

Fax: +61-02-7374-6075

E-mail: n\a


Owner / Director / Manager Posh Pots Pialligo Pty Ltd: n\a

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Registration data Posh Pots Pialligo Pty Ltd

Australian Company Number: 129835310

Status: Registered

Registration date: Friday 22nd February 2008

Type: Australian proprietary company

Australian Business Number: 58129835310

Class: Limited by Share

Subclass: Proprietary other

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Cleaner. From AUD 1000

Fabricator. From AUD 2900

Project Planner. From AUD 3400

Other personal. From AUD 1400

Director. From AUD 6800

Plumber. From AUD 1700

Fabricator. From AUD 2600

Assistant. From AUD 1000

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Posh Pots Pialligo Pty Ltd is a limited by shares, Australian proprietary company. This corporation was registered on 2008-02-22 and was issued with the 129835310 ACN. Its Australian Business Number is 58129835310. Since 2012-07-16, the company is headquartered in ACT, post code 2609. The previous headquarters were located in ACT 2911 (from 2008-02-22 to 2012-07-16). In total the company used 0 trading names. The above data comes from the ABN database which was updated on 2012-07-17. AUBiz found 2 trademarks that mention this company. Trademark number 824451 was filed on 2000-02-19 and is categorised as "word series" (application status: "never registered, dead"). Other company trademarks include trademark number 824819 in the "word series" category (application status/date: "never registered, dead", 2000-02-22).