Power Ingenuity Pty. Ltd.
Financial management / Portrait photographic activities / Tax consultancy / Bookkeeping activities
Power Ingenuity Pty. Ltd.: address, phone, fax, email, site
Phone: +61-08-9251-4402
Fax: +61-08-9251-4402
E-mail: n\a
Site: n\a
Owner / Director / Manager Power Ingenuity Pty. Ltd.: n\a
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Registration data Power Ingenuity Pty. Ltd.
Australian Company Number: 163722030
Status: Registered
Registration date: 12th May 2013
Type: Australian proprietary company
Australian Business Number: 61163722030
Class: Limited by Share
Subclass: Proprietary other
Job in Power Ingenuity Pty. Ltd. vacancies. Career and practice on Power Ingenuity Pty. Ltd.. Working and traineeship
Director. From AUD 5700
Project Co-ordinator. From AUD 1000
Director. From AUD 6100
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Power Ingenuity Pty Ltd is a limited by shares, Australian proprietary company. This corporation was registered on 2013-05-12 and was issued with the 163722030 ACN. Its Australian Business Number is 61163722030. Since 2014-09-19, the company is headquartered in QLD, post code 4216. The previous headquarters were located in QLD 4216 (from 2013-05-14 to 2014-09-19). In total the company used 0 trading names. The company has also used 2 business names, namely Fight Pt from 2015-11-12, Tension Wrap from 2013-05-15. The above data comes from the ABN database which was updated on 2015-11-12. AUBiz found 1 trademark that mention this company. Trademark number 1558532 was filed on 2013-05-22 and is categorised as "composite" (application status: "never registered, live").